Share files and photo's with friends and family with Nextcloud.
Nextcloud is an Open Source service like Dropbox or Google Drive, but it is unique since Nextcloud providers communicated using a federated network protocol.
Nextcloud works on every platform and files stored on Nextcloud can be accessed anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. Synchronize files between al your devices (without limits), and make sure you always have access to your data.
Syncronize files across all devices
Organize and share files
Create file drop links
Automatic backup of folders
Download files for offline use
- Programmable API
Nextcloud by
Oblak users can enjoy Nextlcoud immediately for free! This free space is limited to 5GB.
If you need more, you can increase the limit in exchange for an affordable amount of Bitcoin.
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Official website
Nextcloud App official downloads
Official user manual